social media

How to set up an online business - Tips from Christina Lowry

When I started my online business I wasn't sure that I could run a business without a business degree. I laugh now at how innocent I was and I want to share my top tips and techniques to first create a business and then build it online. I’m Christina Lowry, a jeweller and photographer. I created an online jewellery business, Christina Lowry Designs, when my first son was just a toddler and worked from home for several years.

Social media check-up for your business

What exactly had happened? I had been so inspired, so committed, so diligent! An active social media user, a devotee to producing beautiful content and engaging with my audience. I suppose the romance wore off, or I burnt myself out? Over time my enthusiasm lessened, my focus shifted elsewhere and I realised I was simply taking social media for granted. Accounts that once received daily attention were now gathering virtual dust. I had fallen out of love with my businesses social media accounts. 

How to stay "Instasafe" as a creative

I love Instagram. It lets me communicate to the world what I'm about (nourishing food, natural light and comfortable shoes wherever possible, and preventative health in life, law and business!), and has allowed me to connect with so many like-minded clients...

How to build a strong brand on social media

Following on from my previous post about what creatives need to know about the new Instagram algorithm, this one is all about how to build a better brand on social media beyond just Instagram.

Social media is huge these days. According to the 2017 Sensis Social Media Report, more than 59 per cent of Australians use social networking sites at least once a day and 94 per cent have used Facebook in the last year. In short, you can reach an incredible number of people on social.

One eye open (or, how I learnt to squint and survive online)

I have a confession to make. I manage four Facebook pages, three Instagram accounts, three Pinterest accounts, a Twitter account and a YouTube channel and you know what? I still love being online. So, when I read yet another (ironically online) think-piece about how creatives need to wind their anxiety back by getting offline I am often the dissenting voice in the room.

As creatives it is impossible to not have an online life. But it can be a force for good, rather than something that forces you into a fetal position. Not that I recommend becoming part cyborg like me. Instead, I’d like to advocate for a One Eye Open policy. Essentially, this means to take in what you need and avoid what you don’t. Sometimes you may have to squint at the screen, but with a few strategies and outlook adjustments you can absorb all the online world has to offer but in a mindful and positive way. This way, there’s no need to go off the grid just to escape yet another Instagram post detailing someone’s breakfast/book launch/homewares line.

What creatives need to know about the new Instagram algorithm

How does the Instagram algorithm work? This is a question I get asked a lot, as if I’m the KFC colonel with the secret herbs-and-spices recipe.

It’s only April and already there have already been so many changes. Each time I can’t help but shout ‘Instaaargghhh!’ in the hopes that Insta HQ hears me and stops meddling with the recipe.

So how do you keep up when you’ve also got a business to run and people to delight? It can be tough, so I’ve distilled what every creative should know about the algorithm along with five simple actions to take your Insta presence to the next level this year.

The not-so-romantic realities of slow living in isolation: part 1

‘Your life is so idyllic!’

I get this a lot. People contacting me on social media, commenting on the ‘dream life’ we appear to be living out here on the land. In most cases, it truly is, but I find the hardships of this life are often missed in those twelve perfectly colour-coordinated squares and fifteen-second story snippets. So, in response, I thought I’d use this opportunity to shine a light on the not-so-romantic realities of life on the land, in a shed, with a toddler and a whole lot of big plans to get done on one (and a bit) income.