Graphic Design Speak: Tips, Advice and Jargon Defined for Non-Graphic-Designers... paperback edition!
Last year we released the eBook Graphic Design Speak: Tips, Advice and Jargon Defined for Non-Graphic-Designers, to lots of great feedback and hundreds of copies sold. By popular demand, we're soon to be releasing Graphic Design Speak in paperback format through our sister-biz Creative Minds Publishing, and you can pre-order it now to get it first!
This handy 44-page paperback guide explains:
- Basic colour terms like Pantone, CMYK, RGB and what they mean
- Common file types and where you use them (a.k.a. Why can’t my printer just get my logo from my website and put it on my business card?)
- How to distinguish a high-resolution image from a low-resolution one (a.k.a. A journalist has asked for a high-resolution image for a story about me, but how do I know which one of these image files to send?!)
- The standard paper and envelope sizes
- Facts about fonts
- And over 95 common words and phrases us graphic designers throw around willy nilly.
Here's what's new in the paperback edition:
- More common words explained including video production and web design jargon
- Tweaks and edits to make the book more helpful and the information easier to comprehend!
- Beautiful, colour images that illustrate key concepts within the book from local designers Kylie Thevenau, Louise Jones, One Fine Print, Saint Gertrude Design and Letterpress, Brand By Name, Pom by Pomegranate, Andrea McArthur, and Serena Sundai.
Plus, it's printed in full colour in Melbourne, Victoria using environmentally friendly printing methods and paper.
Read more here or pre-order here! Books will be posted in early September.