New event recording now online: Kitiya Palaskas

KitiyaPalaskas_creative-womens-circle530 Earlier this year, craft-based designer Kitiya Palaskas invited us into her colourful world and shared her fascinating career story to our audience in Melbourne. The recording of that event is available in audio form over today at the podcasts page!

Hear how this self-described 'crazy craft lady' worked her way through a number of roles at companies such as Etsy and Family Circle, to build her own following and reputation as a highly-creative solo business lady (but not without a few bumps along the way). And be sure to stick around for her tips for avoiding 'overwhelm' in a heavily visual and competitive world.

Event recordings are accessible to Members only. Support CWC and join or renew today!


{Event photo by Martina Gemmola}


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