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Personal Branding Masterclass

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Join Carol Mackay for a Personal Branding Masterclass and find your onlyness

Identifying, and understanding, our strengths and weaknesses can be a challenge, but the benefits are enormous. It brings clarity. It means we can promote what we do well and improve what we don’t.

The good news is, taking a good hard look at ourselves in the mirror doesn’t have to be a painful exercise.

Carol Mackay has hacked a human centred design tool perfect for self-analysis. It’s a tool commonly used to gather information about clients, but she’s proved it works perfectly to identify our onlyness — what we do differently to others. We all have individual traits developed from our heritage, our family life and our work experience.

Identifying what you do well, and what you don’t, is a valuable asset. It makes it easier to market yourself, and your business. Building a personal brand makes writing resumes, elevator spiels and websites more efficient. And it means you can ‘mind your gap’ ... work out the gaps to disguise, the gaps to leap over and the gaps you need to fix.

It just makes standing out in a crowded marketplace so much easier.

About Carol Mackay
Carol Mackay helps Australian creatives manage their business better - more effectively, more efficiently and more sustainably - so they can spend more time creating.

After 30+ years running a graphic design firm, Carol moved from client-focused projects to consult to the design industry. Now with the Design Business Council she uses her experience, and research, to help creatives build robust, sustainable businesses, and to help businesses integrate, and profit from, design.

Carol’s special power has always been an ability to use design to translate difficult to understand or complex messages. She believes design brings clarity to complex issues. From clarity comes understanding. Understanding leads to knowledge.

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