
Say hello to new CWC president Amber Bonney

Amber Bonney wears many hats. As well as being the force behind her creative studio Edison Agency, she is a mother, wife, sister, strategic, designer, artist, writer, planner, mentor and mediator. Amber now adds the role of CWC President to that list. Prior to accepting the role , she was on the AGDA Victoria Council and spearheaded the development of their Professional Mentorship program. We chat with Amber on work, life, and the things in between.

Meet the CWC team: Bec Mackey

We recently sat down and interviewed our new board members to give you a chance to get to know them better, and we’ll be featuring one of these Q+As each week on the blog. Before we do though, today we are excited to introduce you to Bec Mackey, our new Content and Marketing Manager!